Miami Car Accident Attorney’s You Can Trust

October 7, 21

Miami Car Accident Attorney’s You Can Trust

The secret to winning a personal injury lawsuit is to hire reputable car accident lawyers in Miami. Reach out to the team at A to Z Injury Law to help you get the justice and compensation you deserve.

Saying that this is a difficult and stressful time is an understatement. Don’t compound your difficulties by choosing an attorney who doesn’t have your best interest at heart. There are other steps you should take to ensure a win. In this article, we will explain some of the most important ways to prepare when filing a lawsuit.

Build Evidence

If you were involved in a car accident (or any type of accident), one of the first things to do is prove you are not liable by presenting admissible evidence. This can include CCTV footage, police reports, eyewitness statements, and documents from your medical practitioner. 

Collecting evidence is a challenging but necessary step – our team will gather everything you need to build your case and prove the other party is at fault. Remember, the evidence does not last forever, and eyewitnesses may not remember what they saw. It is important to act fast.

Don’t Contradict Yourself

Filing a lawsuit is a unique and stressful situation for most. You may not intend to contradict a previous statement, but if you do, it can be used against you by the other side. We always advise our clients not to speak to the defendant’s insurance adjuster, as statements can be misconstrued. In addition to saying the wrong thing, you should avoid actions that can be a threat to your physical wellbeing. For example, drinking alcohol while taking medication for your injuries. You never know who is watching what you do now, or how your actions can be used against you.

Review Your Case

How can your case be more successful? This is a question you should always ask yourself. Don’t worry, this is not a step you will do on your own. Our lawyers have years of training and experience finding the right answers to this question. We will look for the tiniest crack, as we know the other side is also trained in taking advantage of the smallest weakness in a case. A small crack can be shattered into a large hole in the case that can prevent you from receiving the compensation you need to recover and move on with your life.

We will review the evidence and eyewitness testimony to see if it is substantial enough to convince a judge that you were not at fault. Another part of the process is asking yourself what the other side will produce to defend their case? We will work with you to come up with possible weaknesses in their case.


Use an Expert Eyewitness

Eyewitnesses who were on the scene during the accident are a valuable part of any case, as are expert eyewitnesses, such as your doctor. The doctor who treated you for injuries can explain to the judge the severity of your injuries and how they were specifically sustained. Because of their training and experience, they can go into detail on how these injuries can affect your physical and mental wellbeing in ways you or your attorney cannot. We recommend keeping in touch with your doctor after sustaining an injury, as their statement can solidify your case.


Gather All Necessary Documents

You should always hold onto your documents and organize them in a way that makes retrieval easy. The next step is to identify the most important documents for your case. We will help review all documents with you before presenting copies of the most important documents to the judge. After you have gathered everything you need, it’s time to review and highlight the most important components in each document to quickly point them out in trial. Then, order your documents and the copies you have made for the judge (never give the judge the original copy), ensuring they are well organized and presentable. First impressions do matter.


Don’t Delay

Procrastination is something we all do, but when it comes to your car accident case, you should never put it off to the last minute. We recommend that you contact auto accident injury lawyers in Miami and immediately begin the process. The statute of limitations in Florida for a car accident is four years. You may think you have enough time but consider everything that goes into a case on both sides – yours and your attorney. Don’t delay. When you are in need of car accident lawyers in Miami, contact A to Z Injury Law. Call (305) 853-9656 for a free consultation.

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If you have any questions, inquiries or would simply like to find out more information about personal injury law services, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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