Head Injury

Miami’s Top TBI Attorney

Some of the most common traumatic injuries resulting from vehicle or general activity accidents are brain injuries. Rarely is a head injury not serious, as it is easy to suffer a bad injury even with a slight to moderate impact to the head. Our TBI attorneys have extensive experience in handling traumatic brain injury cases for Miami area victims.

The cranial region of the body is one of the most complicated and volatile areas, and many times even a seemingly minor external injury can have internal ramifications. Nerve endings and electrical impulse signal receptors in the brain can be damaged with very little impact, and swelling can occur quickly with nowhere for the fluid to go when the internal brain tissue begins to swell.

Injured? In a Hurry About YOUR Case? Have Questions? The attorneys at A to Z Injury Law are ready to answer any question you might have regarding your case or potential case, A to Z!  (305) 677-8325 .

While brain injury is not uncommon in auto accidents and other vehicle accidents, they are more common in motorcycle crashes, bike accidents and sports calamities such as a violent hit being suffered while playing football. They generally occur when the head is exposed to damage when massive contact is made in the cranial region, including the neck and upper spine area. It is always best to have an experienced TBI lawyer if pursuing compensation for damages from another party who is potentially liable for the mishap resulting in the injury.

Why You Need a TBI Attorney The primary problem brain injury victims face with being properly compensated after the fact is the difficulty some attorneys can have proving the extent of the injuries. This is a very technical process, and it requires the expertise of a traumatic brain injury attorney who also understands the terminology and ongoing problems that injured victims can expect as they continue in life. Not only does the plaintiff legal counsel need to establish a connection between the injury occurrence and the respondent party, but they must also be able to accurately focus on the medical technology and documentation regarding diagnosis and prognosis that they are using as evidence in support of the claim. This is especially true if a case goes to trial because jurors are typically novices with respect to medical information specifics. Potential Financial Compensation All accident injury claims of any type are subject to standard financial damage requests based on medical evidence and details of the accident with respect to responsible parties who may be pursued for compensation. One particular problem that all injured parties in South Florida face is the fact that the state must authorize any legal action for injury damages beyond the original personal insurance protection claims. This applies to motorcycle accident victims as well standard vehicle accidents, but does not apply in premise liability claims such as a sports injury. However, both situations can present similar financial compensation recovery elements that include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages when they apply
  • Property damage in a vehicle accident
  • Rehabilitation and treatment
  • Nursing and technical assistance
  • MRI and CT testing
  • General damages for ongoing pain-and-suffering
  • Mental anguish when applicable
Financial damage recovery for these treatment items can also include professional attention from area facilities that include but are not limited to:
  • Christine E. Lynn Rehab Center
  • The Brain Center – Mercy Hospital
  • Baptist Hospital
  • Jackson TBI Treatment Center

Professional Documentation is Important These are all excellent professional medical facilities that are respected for expertise in the Miami community. Medical professionals from any of the established treatment facilities can provide expert testimony and prognosis documentation that supports claims for general damages when your Miami brain injury attorney is crafting your case. The general damages component of a TBI claim are what actually makes the injured victim financially whole when the case is settled, and the long-term implications are always a vital point when claim settlements are being finalized. Contact A to Z Injury Law in Miami Brain injuries always leave the victim in a predicament of being unable to represent their own claim, and this should never be attempted in a TBI injury anyway. It takes reputable and proven professional legal representation to secure equitable financial compensation following a traumatic brain injury, which is exactly what you will find at A to Z Injury Law Miami Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney. The lawyer that is chosen to represent a brain injury case makes a major difference. In South Florida and the Miami area, that difference maker is A to Z Injury Law.

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